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Potential Race Schedule 2011

Grand Duathlon, Kentwood, MI 5k/30k/5k*

Race Report Link:
Grand Rapids Triathlon, MI 1.2mi/56mi/13.1mi*

Race Report Link:
Triceretops Tri, Brighton, MI .5mi/12.4mi/3.1mi*

Race Report Link:
Johan's Trifest (Volunteered)
Del Sol Triathlon (Volunteered)
Duncan Lake 70.3, Training Triathlon* (See race report in a post below)
Millennium Triathlon (Volunteered)

IRONMAN LOUISVILLE, Louisville, KY 2.4/112/26.2*

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Gray-Season's Random Thoughts

I'm in that weird, I'm still in reasonably good shape, but it's eveident I'm losing fitness phase, gray area between in-season and off-season. This gray-season is different this year because I'm trying to heal and yet train enough to maintain fitness that will be sufficient for getting me across the finish line in a respectable time at the Great Turtle 1/2 Marathon in October.
What is the gray-season anyway? I'm not real sure. I've never really called it that before. Well, since I'm calling it that now, I should probably define it. The gray-season seems to be this gateway between what was and what is to be. It's the time when I'm adjusting my persona back to Mr. Wilkinson, third grade teacher, from Sam Wilkinson, triathlete. Well, I pause to admit that neither is separated from the other, but one makes its way to the forefront more readily at different times of the year than the other. Nevertheless, during this time I tend to look forward and generally with optimism and anticipation. I'm looking forward to lifting weights and doing ab work. I'm looking forward to not thinking about any events on the immediate horizon. I'm looking forward to easing back, taking time off, and then rebuilding again. The gray-season's not so bad, it's just...well...gray.
Right now,my right Achilles is giving me the most grief, but during my last run, which was yesterday, I noticed my left Ahcilles wanting in on the action. Furthermore, my calves were a little tighter than usual. Ok, so I'm completely swamped at school and exhausted at home, and I haven't made time to roll my calves with the foam roller. I can't imagine that has anything to do with it.
Admitedly, I had a great run last weekend. I pushed the pace, mostly to see what would happen, and it turned out pretty darn well. Yeah, my Achilles was a bit tight at first, but it settled down...pretty much. My lungs, heart, and legs (by and large) felt good, and I averaged 6:35's for roughly 8 miles. I'm not gonna' lie, it put a grin on my grill. I'm hoping I can have a similar experience this weekend, but we'll see.
I had "Frank Duty" tonight, but it was cool. I like to hang out with Frank, but our activities are somewhat limited. However, it was a hot day and we hadn't gone for a kayak ride in a long time, so I offered it up and we hit the lake. We encounterd a blue heron roosted on the same log as a good-sized painted turtle. Painted? Painter? Well, you know what I mean, Michigan's State Reptile. It was a relaxing cruise along our normal route. The sun was setting and the were only a couple of random boats cruising by, so we mostly had the lake to ourselves. It was rather relaxing and we enjoyed ourselves for sure.
I had a moment of inspiration while we were gliding along the lake's east shoreline, right near my turn-around for my usual 1.2 mile swim. I thought, "I'm ready for this. I'm ready to take on my 1.2 mile, out-and-back course times two. I welcome the challenge. It's going to be great!" Then I looked around a moment to see who was thinking those thoughts. Did I just think that? Wow! The guy who just about swore off long course triathlon is inspired and thinking positive. Fantastic!
It's funny how sometimes even gray can be inspiring.


  1. Do you still eat PBJ's for every meal? lol You have become a good writer!! I have read your book.

  2. Sam, I wish you luck with your intense training for "IRONMAN"! I however, am happy with keeping my running goals to a minimum and just enjoy trail running for a healthy mind, body and spirit. I could not imagine training with a full time job and house hold.... Keep up the intensity and keep the episodes coming!!! Best of luck!!

    Jason Boorsma
