Thank you for visiting the Tri Sam blog.

Potential Race Schedule 2011

Grand Duathlon, Kentwood, MI 5k/30k/5k*

Race Report Link:
Grand Rapids Triathlon, MI 1.2mi/56mi/13.1mi*

Race Report Link:
Triceretops Tri, Brighton, MI .5mi/12.4mi/3.1mi*

Race Report Link:
Johan's Trifest (Volunteered)
Del Sol Triathlon (Volunteered)
Duncan Lake 70.3, Training Triathlon* (See race report in a post below)
Millennium Triathlon (Volunteered)

IRONMAN LOUISVILLE, Louisville, KY 2.4/112/26.2*

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Monday, March 7, 2011

One Step at a Time

So, I took five weeks off from running. During this time, I have iced my Achilles at least twice a day. I have also gently stretched, and rolled it to loosen it up. Yesterday, I started what I hope is my return to running. I walked one minute followed by jogging three minutes. I repeated this four times, so a total of 12 minutes jogging. Yes, I am using the term jogging intentionally. It was a slow shuffle. While jogging I did detect some very mild discomfort, but it subsided when I took my walk breaks and there was no discomfort upon completion. The other good news is that it was not stiff, sore, or even tender when I got up this morning. So, I'll repeat this process again, two more times before slowly increasing my minutes. I'll be doing this every other day, as to not "run" on consecutive days. I'm hoping I'm not doing this too soon and that I can start heading in the right direction.


  1. Hang in there. It must be hard to not just want to jump back on the training plan but you are doing the right thing by taking it slow and easing back in. I have fingers (and toes) crossed for you that the road back will be smooth and pain-free. You've got lots of time...healing it right today will make a huge difference in a few months. Keep us up-to-date on your progress!

  2. Thanks IronMin. I hope to go for round two of my walk/run experience this afternoon.
    Support appreciated.

  3. Sam--I haven't seen you post anything about it, but have you tried Active Release Technique therapy? I was dealing with shin splints, IT BAnd issues, hamstring issues, etc. The chiropractor ART treatment on my legs and feet. It turned out that I was terribly inflexible in my ankles which was the root of all of my problems. This may be the case for you as well.

    Best of luck. See you in 24 weeks

  4. Nathan-
    You are right. I haven't mentioned ART. I haven't looked into that yet. Hopefully it won't be on the horizon, but I'll keep it in mind if it comes to that. Thanks for the thought.

  5. Sam, That is great that there was no pain the a.m. after!! That should give you more insentive to keep being patient and dealing with it intelligently like you have been. It appears that it is healing properly!! Best of luck!!!

