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Potential Race Schedule 2011

Grand Duathlon, Kentwood, MI 5k/30k/5k*

Race Report Link:
Grand Rapids Triathlon, MI 1.2mi/56mi/13.1mi*

Race Report Link:
Triceretops Tri, Brighton, MI .5mi/12.4mi/3.1mi*

Race Report Link:
Johan's Trifest (Volunteered)
Del Sol Triathlon (Volunteered)
Duncan Lake 70.3, Training Triathlon* (See race report in a post below)
Millennium Triathlon (Volunteered)

IRONMAN LOUISVILLE, Louisville, KY 2.4/112/26.2*

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sick of Sickness...No Longer Accepting New Members

Maybe I brought it on myself by entitling one of my posts, with the phrase, “Join the Sickness”. After our 1.5-year-old returned from the hospital from his pneumonia experience, our 10-year-old picked up her own illness. She was throwing up and moaning all through the night. At one point she asked, “Mom…Dad…is it possible to throw up your organs?”

The next couple of days were illness free, so we thought maybe, just maybe we escaped passing it on. …But then our 8-year-old began throwing up in the middle of the night. A few hours later, MY stomach began to churn and lurch. “Oh man, not me,” I thought, but I knew, “Yes me.” I raced into school and made sub plans and returned as soon as I could so the rest of the family to get out and off to school. Our 8-year-old spent the day on the couch and I spent the day in bed.

The next day was not a whole lot better, but we both felt well enough to get back to the grind and it was indeed a grind. It was a tough day and we had a dentist appointment at the end. I wasn’t sure how that was going to go, but we both made it through just fine. When we got home we both went to bed early.

The next day seemed better and the fact that it was Friday seemed to boost our spirits, but a mild, lingering, dull, pit remained in my gut. Again…to bed early.

So, here it is Saturday morning. I was expecting to wake up feeling like myself again and ready to get going with my workout, but although it is a little more mild, and a little more dull, the lingering pit still remains. For cryin’ out loud! Let me go!

I’ve missed three days of training and it feels like I’ve missed a month and a half, and like the any fitness gains I’ve made over the past month have vanished into thin air. I missed a run, a ride, a lifting session, and another run. I’ll try to cycle easy and lift later today and I hope I don’t make matters worse. I hope I remember how to strap on my cycling shoes. I hope that when I try to lift that I can still lift the weights I have set up from my last session.

I was scheduled to do a 5-mile “long” run this weekend. I’m not going to try it. I need to do an easy 3-mile run first. I need to see if my calf is better off having had the rest or worse off because I have suspended the progression that I’ve made.

I like feeling strong and capable, and being sick makes me feel weak and helpless. I’m looking forward to next week where I hope to say, “Huh, I guess I didn’t lose much fitness or strength,” and then carry on.
Here’s to good health and strength. Be healthy and be strong.


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